"The pill", a laser dance, 2012, choreography by Maria Piedad


Our first internet distributed performance

Checking tech set-up
            Our first Collaborative Project in the Performing Arts performance was a completely new experience. The set up was previously done in order to have more time to check technical and artistic aspects for each presentation. Although, we prepared our pieces separately, there was a feeling of unity which made the six pieces being a whole artistic product. Each performance had specific characteristics focusing on music exchange mostly. The last piece worked on a choreographic exchange. Each one of the six artistic interactions represented what their creators wanted to share if not deliberated but emotionally.
Daniel´s piece

Jonathan´s piece


Ezra´s piece

        Some technical issues appeared because we had few time to double check our set-up. Some of them were not possible to resolve during the performance. However, having experienced these troubles gave us knowledge for being able to handle them in the future. It was really good working as a team.  Everybody was ready to help and support their classmates during the entire performance.  It was a great and unique experience to participate in this internet distributed performance interacting and appreciating the artistic work of remote locations such as, other cities in the States, Malaysia and Ecuador.
Sarah´s piece

Hari´s piece

           Another rewarding aspect of having been performed in this collaborative project was the personal new experience of working with technology and trying to reach choreographic and artistic objectives as well. Now, the feedback and post-performance analyses are coming; a kind of not comfortable but very necessary part of any artistic presentation.

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