"The pill", a laser dance, 2012, choreography by Maria Piedad


Making decisions together

Learning how to make decisions together is
a process which implies being aware of
everybody´s needs
          In the process of creating artistic works collaboratively, one learns how important team work is. The work inside the class Collaborative Projects in the Performing Arts is beyond learning how to deal with technology artistically. Sometimes, it is not only about choosing the best camera shot, which audio software  or video mixer to use; or who will perform and who will do tech support. The main lesson here is learning how to make decisions together. 

        The best decision implies time efficiency, high quality of audio and video distribution, excellent technological-artistic tools and artists and technicians' welfare. How the audience will receive the new artistic product will be ruled by having made good decisions.   
Determining which is the best way to
measure video delay

Using a new set of cameras, which is also more complicated to operate
than the regular ones, could be beneficial for our next performance?

Sometimes, technological software and devices could be seen as "big monsters" when we are learning how to use them. However, dominating them means to be successful or not  carrying on an internet distributed performance. Most of the time, this "big monster" is only a image that we have created inside our heads. Being patient, paying attention, asking questions and receiving help and feedback from teacher and peers is possible to start understanding technology and not being afraid of using it.  When the fear is overcome, it is when we will be free to work creativity without boundaries. As artists we aspire our pieces without any kind of limitation.

Making group decisions is the key of being successful
in a collaborative project

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